Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Miracle of the Atonement

I learned so much from this statement, by Elder C. Scott Grow, "When we sin, Satan tells us we are lost.  In contrst, our Redeemer offers redemption to all--no matter what we have done wrong--even to you and to me."  Pondering this while in the temple, plays a powerful part in my understanding of the Savior's Atonement.  I also appreciate this question he posed, "As you consider your own life, are there things that you need to change?  Have you made mistakes that still need to be corrected?"  Then, his all encompassing invitation, "If you are suffering from feelings of guilt or remorse, bitterness or anger, or loss of faith, I invite you to seek relief.  Repent and forsake your sins.  Then, in prayer, ask God for forgiveness.  Seek forgiveness from those you have wronged.  Forgive those who have wronged you.  Forgive yourself..."  This talk has proved to be a blessing for me as I have followed His counsel and took his invitation. 

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